Membership Meeting Held, 2024 Board Elected

A membership meeting of the Williamson County Historical Society was held on October 8th, 2023 at 2 P.M. at the society’s museum/library at 105 S. Van Buren in Marion. The state of the museum was laid out by current president Sam Lattuca indicating the current status of programs that are in progress and membership. Lattuca displayed the latest accessions to the museum, including a turn of the 20th century mourning dress, bonnet and cape, the christening gown belonging to Oldham Paisley from 1892 and more. Oldham Paisley was part owner, editor and reporter of the Marion Daily Republican newspaper in Marion from around 1915 through 1974 as well as serving both in WWI, WWII and the reserves. A program related to archeological and historical research done on the old Slave House, also known as the Crenshaw house was shown.

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Displaced Tombstone Returned

After nearly a decade, investigators with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office were able to return a displaced tombstone back to its home in Marion, Illinois.

According to the sheriff’s office, the tombstone was originally found at a home in Pittsburg, Ill. in 2014 when the property was acquired by a new owner. Since that time, it has remained in evidence at the Williamson Co. Sheriff’s Office without any leads to identify where it originally belonged.

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Meeting Planned and Dues to Increase

Our next membership meeting will be held on Sunday, October 8th, 2023, 2:00 PM at the museum. Elections will be held to compose the board of directors for the year 2024. All board positions except for two director slots are to be voted on. Nominations can be made all the way up to election time, so if you have an interest in helping guide our society or know someone who might be interested, be sure to contact us or you may place names in nomination at the meeting prior to the election.

Our meeting will have a 30 minute program on an SIU archeological dig and research done at the old Crenshaw home known as the “Old Slave House” now owned by the State of Illinois.

Please be sure to check and see if your dues are caught up by looking at the date on the latest mailing label. If you’re dues are paid up it will say 2023 or higher. Membership dues will increase from $20 to $25 for next year, 2024, due to rising costs after remaining the same for 15 years.

Seeking Riggin Family Member

We have been contacted by a lady that has a letter she acquired 20 years ago dated March 20, 1924, that had been sent to Mrs. W.H. Riggin, Carterville, Ill. and she would like to return it to a family member. 

The family is of Wm. Henry and Verna Iona Riggin, together they began Riggin Funeral Home in Carterville, IL. If you are family or know a descendant, please contact us at or thru our facebook page, Williamson County Illinois Historical Society

Seeking Castrale Family Contact

Photographic slides belonging to Baptista “Bob” Castrale were donated to the Johnston City Library years ago containing photos of mine subsidence and construction of the Washington School in Johnston City. Many of the slides were dated to around 1975. The slides were gifted to the Williamson County Historical Society by the library recently and upon inspection were found to contain 57 slides of family events that likely weren’t intended to be part of the collection. We would like to get these personal slides back to family members who may be interested in them. We can be contacted at or 618-997-5863.