WCHS Give Another Talk at Fifth Season

Society president, Sam Lattuca, gave a talk to residents of the Fifth Season assisted living facility in Marion on Wednesday, March 20th 2024. Lattuca gave a program about the presence and history of Native Americans in Southern Illinois through time by showing a short video and presenting the evolution of natives over the years.

Museum/Library Returns to Full Hours

The Williamson County Historical Society will be returning to its schedule of four days a week beginning on Wednesday, March 6th. The museum and library located at 105 S. Van Buren St. in Marion will be available during the hours of 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Wednesday through Saturday for tours of the museum or genealogical research.

The museum is located at 105 S. Van Buren Street in the old county jail on the west side of the Marion Civic Center and was in service as a jail from 1913 till 1972. The building doubled as a sheriff’s home and jail and now consists of four floors and 26 rooms full of historical objects. Since 1976, the building has served as the Williamson County Museum and was placed on the National Registry of Historic Places in 2007, one of only five in the county.

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WCHS Gives Talk at Fifth Season

Sam Lattuca, president of the Williamson County Historical Society gave a program to the residents of Fifth Season Assisted Living in Marion on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. Lattuca addressed the residents and explained the formation of Marion, Williamson County and the historical society. He explained the society’s museum and library and what was available at the museum as far as displays and research materials.

January 2024 Membership Meeting Held

The Williamson County Historical Society held its latest membership meeting on January 28th, 2024 at their museum/library at 105 S. Van Buren St.  Society President, Sam Lattuca, presented the state of the museum as well as displaying their latest items and photos accessioned into the museum, discussed ongoing projects and gave a brief presentation on the use of Sanborn Fire Insurance maps as a resource in studying the history of our local towns.

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2023 WCHS Christmas Lunch Held

A Christmas lunch for the historical society staff was held on December 14th, 2023 at the Asian Star restaurant in Marion. The lunch was a thank you and late year get together for the board members and active volunteers that serve the historical society. Those present from L-R are Leeann Johnson, Charla Murphy, Sharon Vansaghi, Lisa and Andrew McRoy, Michael Spinks, Sam Lattuca, George Mavigliano and Helen Lind. Not shown are Debbie Lattuca, taking the picture and Gloria Spinks who arrived later.