Cub Scout Den Visits Museum

Troop 21 sized

Local Cub Scout Bear Den 21 sponsored by the Marion Zion Church visited the Williamson County Historical Society Museum Tuesday evening, January 26th, 2016 for a tour and a glimpse into the past. The trip was arranged by Den Leader Marc Henshaw.

Those scouts and parents attending were Marc and Kyler Henshaw, Kevin and Evan Dailey, Sami and Daniel Brame, Linda Cantrell, Bill and Corbin Jeffords, Jim Roberts and Kainen Hazel.

Anyone wanting to schedule tours of the museum during the day or after hours can call 997-1155 or leave a message at the museum at 997-5863.

Churchill Author to Speak at JA Logan College

God and Churchill

Jonathon Sandys, great grandson of Sir Winston Churchhill and author of “God and Churchhill” will be speaking and signing books at J.A. Logan College on Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 at 6 PM in the Batteau Room, F-103.

This event was scheduled at the request of Williamson County educators, Bob, Phyllis and Dawn Jackson and should prove to be a memorable event for an evening of Churchhill history.

RSVP at or call 618-985-6418

Questions? Email

Marion Civic Center Display for January 2016

Marion Civic Center display for the month of January 2016

Marion Civic Center display for the month of January 2016

A display of historic photos and maps was installed in the lobby of the Marion Civic Center for the month of January by our society today. The display will be on exhibit for the full month and represents a cross section of Marion and county history.

Recent Changes at the Museum

We have been taking advantage of the museum being closed and warm weather to make some improvements at the museum. In addition to recently clearing out our old book store and moving it to the foyer with improved lighting, several other changes have been made.

A utility sink downstairs which was unusable due to having no drain now has been tied into the drain pipes making it functional. All of the remaining shelving that was left in the old book store has now been moved. Two sections were cut from 8 foot high units down to 4 foot high units creating 20 feet of four foot shelving in the attic storeroom. The 12 foot wide 8 foot high unit was dismantled and reassembled in the second floor storage room. This revealed the windows in the old book store for the first time in over 20 years or more.

White pegboard was added to two closet displays on the second floor and two dumbwaiter displays on the first and second floors making them more attractive and easier to rearrange without having to add nails or screws. The tops and bottoms in the dumbwaiter displays were also replaced with more substantial material.

Many of the displays which were accessible have now had hinges with locks and hasps put on them to secure them.

We are also in the process of moving displays around to create new and interesting things for visitors to see.