Museum Goes Fiber

I never thought I would see the day when our little ol’ musuem would actually get fiber internet. Futiva is a new company in town offering fiber internet connection and VOIP phone services. They recently made us an offer that we couldn’t refuse. We moved from 4 MB DSL internet and basic phone service with no long distance to 100 MB internet and two state of the art phones with unlimited long distance and all of the perks of a cell phone for only $10 a month more than we were paying already. Thanks Futiva for helping us out.

For those of you who visit the museum and use our WiFi to pursue ancestry data, you will find the connection much snappier.

Marion Garden Club Makes Donation to the Museum

Marion Garden Club __6_8_2016

The Marion Garden Club makes an annual donation to the Williamson County Historical Society in the form of bedding plants and/or money each year. Several members of the club paid a visit to the museum on Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 to make this year’s donation of $150. Garden club president Lynn Love presented the check to WCHS president, Sam Lattuca.

Work Continues at the Museum

We started converting our old side porch to a utility room and first floor bathroom about a month and a half ago. To date the sewer line has been tapped and ready to connect. A floor and walls have gone up and electrical wiring was recently installed. Next, comes the plumbing and insulation and then the drywall. We hope to have the project finished by the next membership meeting in late July.