New Display System for Framed Pictures Installed

We recently installed a new framed picture display system in our display room at the museum. In order to avoid putting a large number of holes in the wall, this system was purchased and installed. It consists of a rail system high on the wall with a moveable cable system that moves left and right. Once the cable is fixed left and right the framed pictures can be moved up and down as needed on the cable giving the ability to position pictures anywhere in two dimensions on the wall.

Several New Index References Added

Indexes to the following reference books have been added to our Master Newspaper Index

  • 1894-95, Events in Egypt, Helen Lind, (Marion, Herrin, Carterville news extracts)
  • 1919, Event in Egypt, Helen Lind, (Marion, Herrin, Carterville news extracts)
  • 1921 Bits of News Vol. 2, Marion Daily Republican, by Mary Joe Moore
  • 1922 Bits of News Vol. 3, Marion Daily Republican, by Mary Joe Moore
  • 1923 Bits of News Vol. 4, Marion Daily Republican, by Mary Joe Moore
  • 1924 Bits of News Vol. 5, Marion Daily Republican, by Mary Joe Moore
  • 1925 Bits of News Vol. 6, Marion Daily Republican, by Mary Joe Moore

New Indexes Added

With the recent completion and printing of the San Carlo Cemetery book, the index attached to the book has now been added to our indexes under Cemetery Audits. We have also added the first volume of the Bits of News series that are extracts of the Marion Daily Republican. Volume 1 covers the end of 1919 and all of 1921. It was compiled by Mary Jo Moore and can be found under the Newspapers link. both new indexes can be accessed from the Library Reference Index page.