WCHS Membership Meeting, Jan. 21, 2018

We will be holding a membership meeting here at the museum on Sunday, January 21st, 2018, at 2:00 P.M.  We will be discussing society business and projects. The guest speaker will be presented by our own board director Dr. George Mavigliano, retired emeritus professor of Art History at SIUC. His books and articles follow his life-long research into the workings of FDR’s New Deal programs, the WPA, and specifically, the Federal Art Project. His presentation will touch briefly on all three.

I would also like to remind members that the 2018 membership dues are due. If you are not sure whether you are paid up or not, check the mailing label on your next mailing. If you are paid up the number 2018 or higher will be notated. We hope that all of our members have a productive new year.

Paisley Scrapbook Indexes Added to Site

Oldham Paisley, owner and reporter for the Marion Daily Republican kept scrapbooks containing his articles and also articles from St. Louis and Chicago related to topics occurring here in the 1920’s. All but one of the books have now been indexed and those indexes are now available on our site under the Master Newspaper Index. The Paisley indexes currently on our site are:

  • Paisley’s Scrapbook Volume 1, 1922-24, Before & After Herrin Massacre
  • Paisley’s Scrapbook Volume 1A & 1B, 1922, Herrin Massacre
  • Paisley’s Scrapbook Volume 4A & 4B, 1923-24, Ku Klux Klan
  • Paisley’s Scrapbook Volume 5 & 6, 1924-26, Klan, Glenn Young, Charles Birger
  • Paisley’s Scrapbook Volume 7 & 8, 1927-28, Charles Birger & Trial
  • Paisley’s Scrapbook Volume 9, 1928-29, Birger, Boswell, Ritter

All of our onsite indexes are available from the Library Resource Indexes page


More Funeral Home Indexes Added to Site

Indexes to the following references have been added to the Funeral Home Master Index:

  • Storme Funeral Home, Carterville, Vol 1, 1920-29, by Martha Mulkin
  • Storme Funeral Home, Herrin, Vol 1, 1914-20, by Martha Mulkin
  • Hathaway Funeral Home, Johnston City, Vol 1, 1912-22, by Helen Sutt Lind
  • Hathaway Funeral Home, Johnston City, Vol 2, 1922-31, by Helen Sutt Lind
  • Hathaway Funeral Home, Johnston City, Vol 3, 1932-40, by Helen Sutt Lind
  • Wildridge Funeral Home, Johnston City, Vol 4, 1924-1944, by Helen Sutt Lind