The Pioneer Daughters of Williamson County was organized on October 24, 1935 in preparation for the then upcoming 1939 centennial celebration of the county. Applications were filled out with the primary requirement of the organization being that the applicant be a female who has a pioneer ancestor that arrived in the county before 1840. The index to those applications is a good way to connect people to early settlers in the area and perhaps glean female maiden names. The additional index contains 2,388 references and has been added to the Master Misc. County Records Index.
The Marion Daily Republican is in the process of downsizing and will be moving from Marion. They graciously gifted the Historical Society with all 154 of the archived books containing the Marion Daily Republican from 1963 through 2013. The exception is a block missing from the 1970’s through 1990. This archive of newspapers will be a great addition for research and maintaining our local history and we really appreciate the gift. All 154 of the very heavy volumes we’re schlepped out of the MDR office in Marion and moved to the museum and secured in our storage area by Sharon Vansaghi, Andrew McCoy and Sam Lattuca.
Feel free to drop by the museum and try your hand at research. We aren’t sure why there is a missing block of books, so if anyone has any idea where they might be, please contact us.
The index to “Williamson County Miscellaneous Court Records, 1840-1903” published in 2002 by Mary Jo Moore has been posted on our site in the Master Misc. County Records Index and contains court records taken from the circuit clerks office found in the miscellaneous files. First forty pages are Coroner’s inquests and verdicts and the rest are varied cases ranging from divorces to adultery and murder. The index contains 616 new references.