Membership Meeting Scheduled, January 26, 2020

WCHS Members,

We will be holding a membership meeting here at the museum on Sunday, January 26th, 2020, at 2:00 P.M.  We will be discussing society business as well as completed, ongoing and future projects. If you have a show & tell item, feel free to bring it and tell us about it. The program will be presented by author, Brian Alvis and will be talking about bootleggers during prohibition.

Membership dues for 2020 are currently due and are still $20 per year. If you look at the mailing label on the front of this card there will be a year date that reflects the year you are paid up to. The date should read 2020 or higher. Any questions can be addressed by calling 618-997-5863 on Saturdays or emailing us at

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

New Indexing added

Two Items have been added to our master indexes, church records from St. Paul’s UCC Church in Johnston City that existed from 1898 till 1990 and newspaper clippings from the Johnston City Progress newspaper from 1924 to 1937 which consists primarily of marriage announcements. The church records were added under the Master Misc. County Records Index as 1898-1990 St. Pauls UCC Records and the Johnston City Progress clippings were added under the Master Newspapers Index under 1924-37 JCP Clippings.

WCHS Museum and Library Going to Winter Hours

Our museum and library will be closed over Thanksgiving on 11/27/2019 through the holiday weekend. We will be going to our winter hours of operation and be open only on Saturdays from 9:30 to 3:00 P.M. in December through February.

Scout Pack 21 Visits Museum

Marion Scout Pack 21 visits museum. Back L to R, Aydan Bryant, Jonathan Schieber, Eli Sprague, Cameron Randolph and Seth Patton. Front L to R. Nicholas Stroud, LG Lewis, Layton Townzen, Gavin Gile and Gunner Wells.

Cub Scout Pack 21 from Zion Church in Marion visited the museum on Tuesday evening, November 12, 2019, and had their photo taken in the newly renovated jail. They were accompanied by their leader Brad Andrews, their parents and a few siblings. Their tour guides were Sharon Vansaghi and Sam Lattuca.

Back L to R,  Aydan Bryant, Jonathan Schieber, Eli Sprague, Cameron Randolph and Seth Patton. Front L to R, Nicholas Stroud, LG Lewis, Layton Townzen, Gavin Gile and Gunner Wells.

DAR Plaque Rededication Held

On Friday November 8, 2019 the Williamson County Historical Society sponsored the re-dedication of a plaque between the DAR and Williamson County Illinois Courthouse.

In 1977 the Daughters of The American Revolution, Daniel H. Brush Chapter presented a memorial plaque to the soldiers of the American Revolution buried in this county to the Williamson County Courthouse to commemorate the Bi-Centennial. The DAR also placed similar plaques in Franklin, Jackson and Perry Counties as their Bi-Centennial project. Continue reading