For decades, one of our own historical society members, Helen Sutt Lind, known to us as “cemetery granny” has painstakingly created literally dozens of books that are used on a daily basis. Her books have become the foundation of research by all of us here and countless researchers and authors. Helen spent years transcribing county records at the court house and local newspapers on microfilm in addition to tromping through current and forgotten cemeteries of the county auditing gravestones. Helen was often but not always accompanied by one of our other members, Charla Murphy, who worked jointly with Helen on a number of projects.
Helen has graciously passed her trove of book master copies to the historical society so that her years of research can continue to be republished into the future. For that, we can’t thank Helen enough. A list of Helen’s books now in the possession of and sold by the historical society that were recently added are as follows and don’t include books that Helen had previously allowed us the permissions to. All are available for purchase through the museum book store. Continue reading →