WCHS has been blessed with many visitors thru the past years for tours of the museum, researchers looking for relatives or publishers working on their books. Last year we mounted a map of the United States and have pins for visitors and members. I have been going thru the visitor logs and have to go thru a couple more but, as of Oct 2022 beginning in July, 2014 we have had visitors from the following countries. We have also had emails from Italy and United Kingdom searching for family. Continue reading
Mortgage Record books 5, 6, 7, and 8 have now been indexed and added to our Master Mortgage Record Index.
At a board meeting of the Williamson County Historical Society held on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022 it was decided that the October general meeting will not be held once again due to the county considered to still be at high risk for co-vid. Normally, a re-election of the board would take place at that meeting, but since we have been unable to hold these meetings, the current board has been frozen in place and board members have held their current positions. Unless, someone is interested in holding a board position, the same thing will occur again this year.
If you desire to hold a board position, contact the society by phone at 618-997-5863 or email wchsmail@yahoo.com and inform us of the position that you seek no later than September 30th, 2022. You must be an existing regular member of the society to qualify. If there are no submissions, the current board will serve again for the coming year of 2023.
Mortgage books 1 through 4 of 48 have now been indexed and added to our Master Mortgage Records index. The vast majority of these books appear to range from ca 1903 through 1906.