Museum & Library Have Gone to its Winter Schedule

The WCHS Museum & Library has returned to its winter schedule of operation of being open on Saturdays only from 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 PM to conserve on heating costs. The schedule will be in effect until next March 1st when we return to four days a week again.

The down time through the winter months allows us to clean, repair, maintain the building, change displays and organize the library and its materials.

Some volunteers still maintain voice messages and email through the week so feel free to contact us if there is a need. Our email address is and our phone number is 619-997-5863.


We Need Help with the Pioneer Sons of the County


Centennial Souvenirs

WCHS is looking for your help. Some of you are familiar with Pioneer Daughters of Williamson Co, a group that was created to help with the 1939 Centennial of Williamson Co. We have the applications of those that submitted their genealogy to become a member and have those applications transcribed into a book. There were also Pioneer Sons of Williamson Co., group that was created. We do have one application that was given to us but no others. This was also a large group but other than the officers we have no listing of members. If your family member has an application that we could have a copy of or any reference to being a member of the Pioneer Sons we would be interested in the information.

Cedar Line Legacy Book Signing Scheduled

CEDAR LINE LEGACY; Recollections and Reflections

A new book by Betty Green Rademacher is a chronological collection of twenty-eight brief vignettes that share her recollections of the first ten years (l935 to 1945) of her childhood in Grassy Township in rural Southern Illinois.  Her stories include vivid descriptions of farm life and a way of life that no longer exists.  She also writes about the impact of World War II on this rural community. Continue reading