A recently adopted award for the Williamson County Historical Society got its first inductees last week. The award called the WCHS Honor Roll is awarded in appreciation of dedicated service to the society. It serves as a reminder of the … Continue reading
Show Thumbnails We recently completed a project on our agenda, the movement of our old book store into a new location more accessible in the foyer. The old book store used to occupy a 12 x 7 foot room all … Continue reading
Show Thumbnails Board members and volunteers of the Williamson County Historical Society met Thursday, Dec. 10th, 2015 at Bennie’s Restaurant in Marion for their annual Christmas Lunch. WCHS President Sam Lattuca thanked all of those present for their dedicated service this … Continue reading
The Williamson County Historical Society was recently contacted by Magilla Entertainment in New York. They are a production company working on a show for the Discovery Channel which will feature a short history package on Charlie Birger and the Shelton Brothers … Continue reading