After being closed down and limited to Saturday only operation through the winter, the museum will be returning to its summer hours of operation on Tuesday, March 1st, 2016. The museum will be open from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM, … Continue reading
The Southern Illinois Heritage Expo and Craft Fair was held on Saturday, Feb. 13th at the Herrin Civic Center. This was the second year for Heritage Expo produced by Southern Illinois Treasure Tours composed of Amy Erickson and Jon Musgrave. … Continue reading
The last of our indexed Williamson County court records that we hold at the museum have now been completely indexed and are completely available on this website now. They can be accessed by clicking on the Records tab. In addition … Continue reading
Show Thumbnails When Sheriff Russell Oxford last occupied the old county jail in 1971, his wife Jackie used to operate a washer and dryer in the basement of the old jail. At some point after the building was evacuated by … Continue reading
Jonathan Sandys, speaker, author and great grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, dropped by the Williamson County Museum Wednesday afternoon, January 27th 2016, for a visit at the invitation of society member Bob Jackson and his family. Sandys was scheduled to … Continue reading