Three new indexes have been added to the Library Resource Index. The volumes, Events in Egypt, which contain newspaper extracts from Marion, Herrin and Carterville covering the years 1899-1900, 1905-1909 and 1917 were added to our master library index and … Continue reading
Three new book indexes have been added to our Library Resource Index. The linking page has also been updated to reflect a current list of all books and their authors that are in the index. The newest editions are the … Continue reading
We received a MacArthur Award medal today that was given to people who raised their own vegetables during WWII. They were called Victory Gardens. The medal says National Victory Garden Institute on the front and the back says For Outstanding … Continue reading
The Benton paranormal group, Midnight Paranormal, made another visit to the Williamson County Historical Society Museum on Saturday evening, May 27th, 2017. Five members of the group spent the evening investigating things that go bump in the old building. … Continue reading
The indexes to the two books Events in Egypt 1918 and Events in Egpyt 1910-12 have been added to the Library Resource Index. The 1918 index was typed up by volunteer Judith Mente who worked on this from her home. … Continue reading