355 obituaries have been added to our Master Obituaries Index that range predominately from the 1940’s to the 1990’s. … Continue reading
Mortality schedules were taken alongside the 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 U.S. Federal censuses. Mortality schedules list people who died during the previous 12 months. These schedules include persons who died between June 1st through May 31st in the year … Continue reading
We have a surplus of Marion High School yearbooks and Marion city directories for sale at the museum. The yearbooks range from 1918 through 1996 and are mostly all in good condition. Some have inscriptions and some do not. We … Continue reading
Beginning in the 1980’s the historical society started clipping obituaries from newspapers and saving them in a card catalog. Over the years the collection has grown to about 24,000 obits and funeral cards including quite a few from the turn … Continue reading