Our first quilt on exhibit was done by Missionary Babtist Church, Pittsburg, IL. It is dated April 15,1920, there are 226 names embroidered on the blocks for a total of 226 blocks. It was donated by Shirley Dallas Plumlee. These … Continue reading
Mortgage record books M-N-O and P have been indexed and added to our Master Mortgage Record Books index. They can be accessed by clicking on our Records tab at the top of any screen or directly here. Mortgage Record Books … Continue reading
A recent quest to index 74 large Mortgage record books is moving along. So far we haven’t really discovered a rhyme or reason for the books as far as content goes. One would think they would only contain mortgage records … Continue reading
As previously announced, we are in the process of indexing 74 Williamson County mortgage record books. These books contain a hodge podge of legal documents including mortgage records, promissory notes, retail contracts, marital & business agreements and apparently even a … Continue reading