Williamson County Mortgage Record Books U thru Z have been completely indexed now and have been added to our Master Mortgage Record Book Index. Most of these mortgage records tend to run from the last years of the 1800’s into … Continue reading
One of our new additions this past week is a reversible badge of Modern Woodmen of America. The following information and description is from the home office of M.W. of A. Camp 5337 was chartered on February 16, 1898, in … Continue reading
The mortgage record books Q thru T have been added to our Master Morgage Book Index. … Continue reading
The Genealogy Department was recently blessed with a large donation of books and information. After adding to our shelves and inventory, we will be selling some of the duplicated books. These books do have some marks and hi-lighting in them … Continue reading
We have recently received quilt blocks that have a connection to Williamson Co., IL. They were made in a style used in the 1940’s called Sail Away and was meant to be a Friendship quilt. It has 25 names embroidered … Continue reading