All 74 mortgage record books, A to Z and 1 to 48, have been indexed and added to our Master Mortgage Record Book Index. These record books span the time period from the 1850’s through the early years of the … Continue reading
WCHS president, Sam Lattuca, presented a one hour program to high school students at Adams School on January 27th, 2023. Lattuca detailed the history of Williamson County beginning with prehistoric native occupation through present day highlighting the events over the … Continue reading
Mortgage record books 27 through 34 of 48 have been indexed and added to our Master Mortgage Record Book index. When completed there will be 74 mortgage books in the index ranging from about 1850 through the 1920’s. … Continue reading
Williamson County Mortgage Record books 21 through 26 have now been indexed and added to our Master Mortgage Record Index. The dates range over around 1912 through the early 1920’s. There are a total of 74 Mortgage books to index … Continue reading
The WCHS Museum & Library has returned to its winter schedule of operation of being open on Saturdays only from 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 PM to conserve on heating costs. The schedule will be in effect until next March 1st … Continue reading