Crab Orchard History Book Index added to Site

An extensive index to the book “Steal Easy: A Memoiric History of Crab Orchard, Illinois” written by ex- resident John M. Brewer and published in 1985 has been added to our Master Local History Index and made available from the Records tab on our website.

The book recounts the formative pioneer years of Crab Orchard and details a fair amount of information about local families, businesses, churches, schools and events through time. It also explains, of course, why Crab Orchard was often referred to as “steal easy” due to how easy it was to steal merchandise from the local mill in the early days. Some of the many families covered are Allen, Brewer, Corder, Davis, Edwards, Ensminger, Fowler, Fiveash, Furlong, Harris, Hill, Motsinger, Parks, Pulley, Richey, Smith, Swan, Tanner, Tidwell and Turner just to mention a few. The new index contains 1,614 references to people, crime, acts of God, churches, businesses, organizations, schools, places and events.

The new book index can be viewed individually here: Steal Easy, a History of Crab Orchard

or the entire Master Local History Index can be viewed here:  Master Local History Index

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