Institutional Cemeteries Website Available

Steven Seim, a resident of Wisconsin, recently contacted us to make us aware of some work he has taken on. Steven is attempting to catalog all of the cemeteries throughout the Midwest established for residents of asylums, poorhouses, poor farms, prisons, orphanages, and similar institutions – in other words, cemeteries for the unclaimed. Most of the individuals laid to rest in these cemeteries were forgotten in their own lifetimes. It is my hope that they will not be forgotten to history.

Starting with his home state of Wisconsin, his work has now expanded into Illinois and Iowa. However, he will need help to develop a truly comprehensive record of these mostly-forgotten burial sites.

Be sure to check Steve’s website at

Also, if you get a chance, he has a page on Facebook, check it out and give him a “like” at

His internet website has been added to our Links Page on this site.

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